Community Peace and Justice - from a Faith Perspective

Resources – Podcasts

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About The Civil Conversations Project

How do we speak the questions we don’t know how to ask each other? How to engage our neighbors who have become strangers? Can we do that even while we continue to hold passionate disagreements on deep convictions? How is technology playing into all this, and how can we shape it to human purposes?

The Civil Conversations Project (CCP) is an open, ongoing conversation offering tools and resources for renewing civic discourse at every level and nourishing common life. It includes audio, video, writing, and guides to help ground and animate new conversation and relationship across the differences of our age.

Hosted by Krista Tippett,


In a world that seems more divided than ever, how do we begin to find middle ground? This episode, TED speakers on how to look past anger, fear, and even violence to reconcile our differences.

Based on Talks given by riveting speakers on the world-renowned TED stage, each show is centered on a common theme – such as the source of happiness, crowd-sourcing innovation, power shifts, or inexplicable connections – and injects soundscapes and conversations that bring these ideas to life.

TED Radio Hour is a co-production of NPR and TED.


Faith Leaders On Efforts To Unite A Divided Country

Diane Rhem Show – 20 December 2016

Following the election, there have been reports of a rise in attendance at religious services, and in particular at more progressive churches. Perhaps this shouldn’t be a surprise. After an emotional campaign season that revealed deep divisions in the country, a natural place for support and healing is a religious community. Greater engagement also presents challenges and opportunities for faith leaders. What kind of moral leadership do they provide? And how will they reach out to people from both sides of the political gulf? Diane and her panel of faith leaders discuss efforts to unite a divided country.