Community Peace and Justice - from a Faith Perspective
Given new stories of the climate and environment in the news each week, along with contentious exchanges from all fronts about how we should respond, we will look during this three-week series at current stories, the assessments of scientists and others, and examine ways in which our faith perspectives can inform our understanding and choices.
March 9, 16 and April 6, 2016
6:00 pm
March 9, 6:00 pm
Caring for the Earth – An Historical Perspective
What have been the prevalent ways by which we have viewed and related to the earth throughout American history? What are some of the primary environmental changes experienced in our lifetimes? Are these different from previous eras? What do the scientists say?
March 16, 6:00 pm
The Religious Nature of Environmental Concerns
Some scientists and religious leaders have referred to the “environmental crisis” as being “inherently religious”. In what ways do the Abrahamic faiths inform our attitudes and actions regarding caring for our common home? We will explore a variety of Scripture and theological perspectives.
April 6, 6:00 pm
Caring for the Earth – A Call for a New “Ecological Ethic’ in Our Time
What shifts in our views and attitudes are required to “save the environment”? We will look at the perspectives offered by contemporary scientists and theologians. How do these insights apply to specific ways of caring for our common home now and in the future?