Community Peace and Justice - from a Faith Perspective

Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Timeline

Year (age) Dietrich Bonhoeffer Events Selected Writings
Early Years (1906-1932) (0-26)
1906 Dietrich and twin sister, Sabine, born
1918 Oldest brother, Walter, killed in WW I
1923 (17) Began Theological studies at Tubingen University
1924 Continues studies at Berlin University Germany in turmoil after WW I  
1927 (21) Completes doctoral thesis – University of Berlin Communion of the Saints
1928 (22) Serves as assistant pastor in Barcelona, Spain  
1929 (23) Lectures at Berlin University Beginning of world-wide depression  
1930 (24) Union Seminary – New York City – studies with Reinhold Niebuhr – becomes active in black church in Harlem and social justice issues in the city Severe economic chaos – political instability – fear of the rise of Communism  
1931 (25) Returns to Germany  – 2nd Doctoral thesis Act and Being
1932 (26) Appointed lecturer at Berlin University Political turmoil in Germany  
Rise of Hitler (1933-1937) (27-31)
1933 (27) Bonhoeffer ordained.

Radio address


Bonhoeffer and Pastor Martin Niemöller organize Pastor’s Emergency League


Bonhoeffer leaves for England to serve German church

– Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

– Jews are banned from public employment

– Nazis take over protestant churches

– Catholic church “Concordat”


The Church and the Jewish Question (April 1933)

1934 (28) Bonhoeffer serving to German churches in England Confessing Church created

Christ – not the Furher – is the head of the church

1935 (29) Bonhoeffer returns to Germany – becomes director of the Confessing Church seminary in Finkenwalde Nuremberg Laws cancel citizenship for Jews  
1936 (30) Bonhoeffers authorization to teach at Berlin University is withdrawn Olympic Games in Germany

Martin Niemöller, Confessing Church leader – arrested

1937 (31) Confessing Church seminary in Finkenwalde is closed by Gestapo – 27 students arrested Cost of Discipleship
Resistance (1938-1942) (32-36)
1938 (32) Bonhoeffer banned from working in Berlin

First contacts with members of resistance

Dietrich’s twin sister and her Jewish Human escape to Switzerland

Austria annexed

Kristallnacht attack on Jews

All pastors required to take an oath of allegiance to Hitler

Life Together
1939 (33) Bonhoeffer returns to US – decides that he needs to be back in Germany – returns after only one month Troops invade Czechoslovakia

Invasion of Poland

1940 (34) Bonhoeffer forbidden to speak in public – must report to police – begins work on Ethics

Friends and family arrange for Bonhoeffer to work for German military intelligence as way to avoid draft

Invasion of France

Battle of Britain begins

1941 (35) Bonhoeffer forbidden to print or publish


German Jews to wear yellow star

First deportation of Jews

1942 (36) Bonhoeffer continue to travel internationally in his role with German military intelligence (Abwehr). Plans for “Final Solution” begun After 10 Years – An Account at the Turn of the Year 1942-1943
Prison (1943-1945) (37-39)  
1943 (37) Bonhoeffer becomes engaged to Maria von Wedemeyer

Apr 5 – Bonhoeffer arrested.  After months of intensive interrogation – given more privileges in prison: visitors, books, correspondence.

Joseph Goebbels declares that Germany is now free of Jews. Bonhoeffer’s letters and other writings of this period were saved by family and friends, including Eberhard Bethge
1944 (38) October: Bonhoeffer moved to Gestapo prison

December:  writes last letter to Maria


Sept: Gestapo discovers evidence of Abwehr plot to assassinate Hitler. After the war Bethge collected these papers which became Letters and Papers from Prison
1945 (39) Feb.  Bonhoeffer moved to Buchenwald

Apr 9 – Bonhoeffer executed at Flossenburg

April 30 – Hitler commits suicide

May 7 – Germany surrenders

Bonhoeffer’s Ethics was finished by Bethge after the war